All the readers out there will agree with me that books are the best partner we can ask for. It is said due to various factors. However, we often see that a self-published book that has an asking price of less than a dollar hardly gets any buyers. However, you might also see another self-published book flying off the shelf of cheap book stores in NYC with an even heftier price tag.

Here, a question arises: Why are readers willing to pay more for some books than others? There are some factors that affect pricing and marketing your book.

Here are the top reasons why people are willing to pay more money for books.

Offers and promotions:

It is a well-known thing that everyone likes to get a deal or a freebie. Readers will pay a little more If they find any interesting giveaway, included with the purchase of a book. People also want to contribute to the community and if the writer donates some part of their earnings to a charity organization then the reader tends to pay more than usual.

Reader reviews:

Books that have good reader reviews will get more sale numbers — even higher-priced ones! Writers and publication houses use different ways to get great reviews from the readers. 

Author Branding:

A well-established brand always gets more money than any regular brand. So if an author has strong branding then a reader will pay more for a book. However, an author can only create strong branding if they can write a good story that connects with people. This usually happens when there is an emotional connection of readers with either you as the author or the characters in your work. 

Nowadays, every author can create them as a brand with social media, interviews, blog posts, book signings, and podcasts. All these build the credibility writers need to sell books at whatever cost.


Marketing is everything now so it is good to market your books and yourself to buy your books. It can be tougher for some writers because they might shy away from any type of self-promotion. The author needs to get out there and connect with potential buyers to sell books.


Placing your books in public eye-view is also what sells books in large numbers. In the world of books, the placement of the book is a big factor in selling books, it is the number one reason some books sell over others. 

The placement of the book is really important because no matter how wonderful a book is, it needs to be placed where your readers can find it — otherwise, they can't buy it.

Whether your book is physically placed on the shelf in the local bookstore or virtually placed on an online retailer shelf, You must allow users to better optimize search results in three easy steps:

  • Check out the best-selling author's keywords on their platform.
  • Pinpoint keywords specific to your book.
  • Use these same keywords when you build your brand.

There are several factors why some books sell better than others and now you know some of that. Online platforms set a price for physical books that depends on page count, color choices, and images. Books can be the best Spiritual Gifts in NYC for readers and all the people around the world.

Readers always feel that an inexpensive book is always bad. This is because low prices might indicate low-quality writing. This is the prime reason people opt for a more expensive book in the same genre. Every reader can rely on good reviews, marketing, branding, and placement. With it, they can make a difference in your sales.