Aromatherapy is a complementary discipline of medicine that is used to offer overall well-being. In this process, we use essential oils as primary healing agents. Most people wonder how aromatherapy works, but the answer is pure score rather than a mystery.  There are certain things you need to know while choosing aromatherapy in New York for your well-being.

The healing agents in aromatherapy are essential oils and they work in our body through three different pathways or methods. All these pathways are quite different from each other; however, each of them interacts and influences each other.

Essential oil pathways:

  • The cutaneous pathway: It works through the skin.
  • The respiratory pathway: It works through the membrane of the lungs.
  • The olfactory pathway: It works through the neuroendocrine system.

Essential oils can be used in liquid or vapour form. You can massage your skin with the liquid of essential oil or you can also choose to take it orally. However, the vapour form must be inhaled only.

The Cutaneous Pathway Of Essential Oils:

The most recommended and ideal method of using essential oil is massaging it on your skin. You should be aware that our skin is selectively permeable in nature. This means our skin allows water and lipid-based substances such as essential and vegetable oils to pass through it. 

The molecules of essential oils are very small in size and they are bioactive that support penetration into the epidermis. The molecules enter the lymphatic & blood circulation system after traveling through the cells. Now they travel through our whole body with blood and provide us desired effects.

Most of the essential oil molecules add up in the blood circulation while some of them get absorbed in sebum & hair shafts where they come in contact with microcirculation of the skin. Essential oils absorbed through the skin do not pass through the liver, unlike orally taken medicine, they might be altered extensively there.

The Respiratory Pathway Of Essential Oils:

During the inhalation process, small essential oil molecules enter our body through the bronchial tubes along with air. These molecules stimulate the bronchial secretion and offer a moistening effect locally. This moisture-rich environment allows better absorption of oxygen and also helps people suffering from infection of the lungs, throat, or nose.

The essential oil molecules penetrate first reach the bronchial tubes and then the mucous membranes. They impact the local tissues according to their therapeutic properties in the mucous membranes. The antispasmodic properties of some essential oils affect the smooth muscles, which help with excess bronchial contraction.

Essential oil molecules facilitate the gaseous after reaching the lungs. They also help in nutrition exchange between the blood & the lung cells along with waste elimination from the lungs. After that these molecules enter the blood circulation and travel throughout the body with arteries. They exit our body through urine, sweat & breath.

The Olfactory Pathway Of Essential Oils:

So now, the question left is how aromatherapy works on the brain. And answer to this question is not simple however, it is very important for the future of essential oil use. The nose contains olfactory nerve receptors and another 20 million nerve cells. The small essential oil molecules pass through the mucous membrane of the nostrils whe inhaled essential oil to stimulate the nerve receptors. 

The olfactory cells present in the nostrils are thought to be extensions of the first cranial nerves. These nerves carry the stimuli of the odorant through the olfactory tract, which branches to several sites in the brain. 

Essential oils affect the body in different ways. Aromatherapy can influence the central nervous system while working on the brain. All the people who want to try aromatherapy must be mindful of Holistic Healing Products in NYC. Essential oils release endorphins from the limbic system that promote a feeling of euphoria or a sense of well-being.